A Wicked Thing

Genre: Novels
ISBN13: 978-0741482037
Jonathan MacAlister has arrived in New Brunswick after the tragic deaths of his wife and two sons. He recovers in an old Victorian haunted by the 19th-Century spirit of Mary McLaughlin, the angelic ghost who has waited for her lover to return from a lost voyage. The beautiful serial killer, Tara Walsh, has escaped from an insane asylum and is killing sexual deviants in the maritime province using medieval devices and biblical justice. The thriller unravels to discover what all three have in common and why they are destined to meet in a confrontation from which legends are made.
5 Stars! A truly amazing piece of literature!
Michael Kasenow’s A Wicked Thing is a lovely and haunting novel that lingers in your mind long after you have read the last few lines. There is action and thrills enough to keep the most jaded reader involved, but there is also lyrical, descriptive prose that you’ll want to read out loud — and then read again. There is a compelling ghost story entwined with a crime thriller, and both are set against the timeless backdrop of the water and the wilderness. This is a truly amazing piece of literature, and one that I am very glad to have read.
— Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite
Kasenow’s novel is a fast-paced thriller and a ghost story all in one!
“The mist comes in slowly, quietly, and with it are legends and myths. Waves can be heard gently caressing the shore, but the bay cannot be seen. At its thickest, porch lights and ship lights are diffused, like bright, round stars in a cloudy, gray nebula. Often, a mysterious splash or the flutter of wings breaks the solitude. The mist comes in at night or in the very early morning when temperature differences are extreme. Few venture into the mist when it comes. Ships remain anchored. Waves move in and out, and foghorns groan long and deep. (p.1)”
This is the opening passage of Michael Kasenow’s newest novel, A Wicked Thing. This mist being described, and also depicted on the fitting cover illustration, adds to the intrigue of the setting in New Brunswick. With the mist comes mystery and unknown, which is the perfect beginning to this intriguing thriller.
Kasenow’s novel is a fast-paced thriller and a ghost story all in one. The author grabs your attention right away in the beginning of the book and leaves you wondering what is going to happen next. A Wicked Thing is a very gripping book, full of adventure and action. The story moves at such a quick pace that it actually can be read in just one sitting. I would recommend Kasenow’s newest novel to those who enjoy mysteries, ghost stories, and thrillers.
— Kam Aures for Rebecca’s Reads
5 Stars! One of those rare books that have to be finished in one sitting.
Poetic and lyrical, Michael Kasenow’s A Wicked Thing is a beautiful read. The characters are well-developed so that as I read the novel, they seem to become vivid and real. I would say that the novel’s strength lies in its plot development. The story also has an interesting array of characters. As an award winning author of a collection of poems, Six Feet Down. Michael Kasenow’s choice of words in the description of the places and the people in this narrative produces a beautiful prose that is expressive and entertaining. This novel is a paranormal thriller that mixes madness and murder in such a way that it is both a gripping and exciting read. It is one of those rare books that have to be finished in one sitting.
— Maria Beltran for Readers’ Favorite
4 Stars! A Wicked Thing offers an exciting adventure for fans of ghost stories, love stories, and murder mysteries, providing all three in a perfect balance within the pages of one book.
Kasenow does a great job of making the characters seem real and making the reader feel emotionally invested in them, and readers that enjoy a bit of the macabre will be thrilled with the innovative ways that Tara uses to send people to their deaths. Hacking and slashing isn’t enough for this woman; she has turned killing into an art form.
There is no doubt that Kasenow is a master with words. His detailed description of Mary’s anguish and pain as she first breaks free from the mist that separates the living from the dead is one of the most riveting things I’ve ever read, providing both sympathy for and fear of the ghost that’s determined to keep certain secrets hidden.
— Marty Shaw for Reader Views
5 Stars! A great book, but don’t start it before going to bed.
This book grabbed my interest early on and pulled me in. I found it difficult to stop reading. There were things I figured out early on, or thought I did, and some that I didn’t. I thought the words of old man Ian rang true: “People belong somewhere, but they think everywhere else is a better deal.” In the end, I think that is really the point of this entire book. I enjoyed the Canadian locations and historical elements in the story, because they made me feel unsure about which parts were fiction, and which weren’t. The scenes between Jonathan and Mary are well done, and made both characters worth caring about. A great book, but don’t start it before going to bed.
— Ty Mall for Readers’ Favorite
4 Stars! A good read, especially if you are planning on visiting the coast!
The plot is very complex and so you’ll want to read slowly and carefully. The lavish descriptive passages deserve attention simply for their beauty; the plot and dialogue need attention so that you don’t miss a beat and end up confused. The murders are grisly, so sensitive readers will want to be mindful of that (perhaps not the best thing to read before bed if you have an overactive imagination). Still a good read, especially if you are planning on visiting the coast!
— Rebecca McLeod for Reader’s Favorite
5 Stars! The story is unique and a little bit spellbinding. Once I started reading this one I really could not set it down until I was finished. Anyone who enjoys a good story with a fantastic cast will enjoy A Wicked Thing.
My first thought of Michael Kasenow’s A Wicked Thing is that I love the cover. I know you should never judge a book by its cover but an attractive cover is always a bonus for me because it tells me a little something about the story and I like pretty art. Once I got into reading the book I was in for a treat. Michael Kasenow has really crafted something that immerses you into the characters’ world fully and completely. Jonathan MacAlister is just the kind of character I am usually drawn to; he has had tragedy in his life and yet he continues on. He essentially does what so many of us do in real life: pull up your boot straps and keep on. Of course just when he thinks things might be on the up swing for him he finds out about the battle for his life or death, and frankly that would throw anyone for a loop. The descriptions and the prose that Michael Kasenow uses for A Wicked Thing are impressive and serve to add to the plot he has created. The story is unique and a little bit spellbinding. Once I started reading this one I really could not set it down until I was finished. I don’t mind being late with dinner when I am in the middle of a fantastic story. Anyone who enjoys a good story with a fantastic cast will enjoy A Wicked Thing.
— Kathryn Bennett for Readers’ Favorites
The mist comes in slowly, quietly, and with it are legends and myths. Waves can be heard gently caressing the shore, but the bay cannot be seen. At its thickest, porch lights and ship lights are diffused, like bright, round stars in a cloudy, gray nebula. Often, a mysterious splash or the flutter of wings breaks the solitude. The mist comes in at night or in the very early morning when temperature differences are extreme. Few venture into the mist when it comes. Ships remain anchored. Waves move in and out, and foghorns groan long and deep.